UCPath Preparation Tips (2025)

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All postdoctoral scholars, postdoctoral scholar administrators, and supervisors are strongly encouraged to visit the UC San Diego UCPath website for the latest information and training materials relating to the transition.

What is UCPath and what does it mean for UC San Diego?

UCPath is an initiative launched by the University of California to modernize and optimize our current human resource and payroll system, which is nearly 40 years old. We are leveraging modern technology and centralizing final acceptance of transactions to ensure consistency, data integrity and policy compliance across the UC system.

UCPath will bring changes that will affect every UC San Diego employee.Learn about these changes and how to get ready for the transition to UCPath. A large part of the technology upgrade involves enhancing self-service options for all employees including the ability to:

  • View and update personal information including name and mailing address, personal email, emergency contacts, honors and degrees, licenses and certifications, and more.
  • View current benefits enrollment and update benefits enrollment during open enrollment or life events (marriage, baby, etc.).
  • View and print earnings statements, edit tax withholding (W-4), view annual wage reports (W-2), and verify employment.
  • Directly access UCPath Center to ask about pay and benefits.

UC San Diego and UC San Diego Health areexpected to transition to UCPathon June 1, 2020 with cutover activities happening in April/May.

Five things postdoctoral scholars can do to prepare for the transition.

1. Ensure your two-step login is activated.

Two-step login is an added layer of protection when logging into websites and apps. UC San Diego and UC San Diego Health use Duo Security to provide the two-step login functionality.

2. Make sure your information is current in At Your Service Online.

Change of address? Experienced a major life event? Make sure that your personal information is up-to-date. At Your Service Online (AYSO) is a secure site for UC employees to access information about their employment. Visit AYSO and click on the "My Contact Information" link to view your home address, your personal email, and more.

As part of the transition to UC Path, At Your Service Online (AYSO) will be a -view only- portal effective April 24, 2020. Until the UCPath Self-Service Portal opens on June 1, the only way you can update tax withholding, direct deposit, benefits, etc. is by completing a form and submitting it to Payroll via FAX (1-858-534-7423) or by attaching a PDF or JPEG to a new ticket in the UC San Diego Services and Support system (support.ucsd.edu).

Payroll Forms Blink Page: https://blink.ucsd.edu/sponsor/BFS/divisions/payroll/forms.html

UCPath vs. AYSO information: https://ucpath.ucsd.edu/_files/ucpath-vs-ayso-flyer.pdf

The information that's listed in AYSO is the information that will transfer over to the UCPath system. Once UCPath has launched, you will log into UCPath to manage your employee information, including signing up for direct deposit and electing to receive an electronic W2. At Your Service Online will continue to be available to view previous employee information.

3. Sign up for direct deposit.

Paper paychecks will no longer be available for on-campus pickup.Paychecks will be mailed to thehome address on file inAt Your Service.The home address currently in AYSO will be migrated to your new UCPath account. This means that you will not receive your earnings on your regularly scheduled payday. The arrival date will be subject to the US Postal Service. We strongly encourage you to sign up for direct deposit to ensure you receive your earnings on payday. Ask your supervisor how to sign up for direct deposit.

4. Ensure delivery of your W2.

All UC San Diego employees will receive two W2s for 2020; one from AYSO and one from UCPath. Paper W2s will be mailed to the address on file in AYSO, which will be migrated to your new UCPath account. If you need to update your address in AYSO or request a duplicate copy of your W2, you will need to complete the appropriate form and submit it to Payroll via FAX (1-858-534-7423) or by attaching a PDF or JPEG to a new ticket in the UC San Diego Services and Support system (see #2). If you elected to receive your W2 electronically, you can view your W2 in AYSO and will be able to view in UCPath on June 1.

5. Save and print copies of your three most recent earnings statements.

We suggest you download and save copies of your three most recent earnings statements so that you can compare them to your first earning statement in UCPath.

  • Login to AYSO,click theEarnings Statementlink in the Income & Taxes section, found on the right side of the page.
  • Select a date from the list and click onView Statementin the Notes column to see the detail for that Direct Deposit statement.
  • Click Filein the browser menu at the top of the window, then selectPrintfrom the drop-down list.

Want more information?

Check out the UCPath website for FAQs, UCPath portal previews and more.

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UCPath Preparation Tips (2025)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Job: Regional Design Producer

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.